Nice to see you again, Friends!

Hello, Everyone.  I'm so glad to be back!!
This past summer has been a whirlwind of activity.  I went through many personal changes, most of which began a couple of years ago.  But this past summer the changes really culminated into a very prolific period in terms of my art.
Above is a pic of me last week at SEABA'S arthop!  It was such a wonderful experience, I ended up getting a fabulous airbnb and staying the entire long weekend.  I hiked, swam in Lake Champlain, went to all the arthop sites, AND my favorite part, visiting with friends:
There were SOOOO many friends I ran into!  I didn't always think to take a selfie with them... But I have the memories.
As the months go by, I'll be making some changes here at the site as my artwork changes and evolves.  It's going places I never could have anticipated and while the expert planner in me feels a little scared, the artist in me is ABSOLUTELY here for it and can't wait to share with you.
Until next time,